Missions and Evangelism Conference

"God is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth." ~The Baptist Catechism, Question 6

Do we truly understand who God is? When we present Him to others in our Gospel ministry, are we doing Him justice as He has revealed Himself in the twin books of nature and Scripture? In the Midwest, Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses represent large swaths of the population. Are we equipped to combat their false views of who God is with the clear testimony of the Word of God Himself? We also must be able to accurately represent God in every evangelistic effort.

We would love for you to join us at our 2024 Evangelism and Missions Conference. The goal of this year's conference is to bring Midwestern pastors together and help them evaluate their presentation of the Gospel in evangelism and missions. Who is God? What has He commanded of His creation? How have certain cults and other groups twisted what God has revealed about Himself, and how can we bring the true Gospel to them more effectively? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered in our day, and in our region in particular.

 *Speaker Information*

Dr. Glenn Butner - Dr. Butner teaches theology and ministry at Sterling College in Sterling, Kansas. He holds a PhD in systematic theology from Marquette University and an MDiv from Duke Divinity School. He is the author of several books on Theology Proper, including The Son Who Learned Obedience, and Trinitarian Dogmatics.

Dr. Caleb Lenard - Dr. Lenard is the equipping pastor at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, Iowa where he oversees the church's adult education, theological training, and small group ministries. He attended seminary at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he earned a doctorate in Applied Theology. He is also the host the of Theology for the Church podcast.

Joshua Sommer - Pastor Josh Sommer is the Pastor of Victory Baptist Church, in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a student at International Reformed Baptist Seminary, where he has published articles and reviews in the seminary's theological journal. He is also the host of The Baptist Broadcast. 

Lawson Harlow - Pastor Lawson Harlow is a Pastor at Mercy Hill Church, in Olive Branch, Mississippi. Mercy Hill began as a church plant 6 years ago, and has been blessed by the Lord with great success through the preaching of the Word.



4:30pm - Doors open

5pm - Opening Address and Dinner

6pm - The Doctrine of God in Verse: How Robust Theology Informs Our Music - Gregg Kite

7pm - Preaching in Trinitarian Harmony - Lawson Harlow

(Trinity Baptist Church will remain open until 9:30pm for fellowship/networking)



7:30am - Doors open

8am - Breakfast served

9am - Does God Depend on You?: Aseity and the Creator-Creature Distinction - Dr. Caleb Lenard

10am - Consubstantiality and Defending the Deity of Christ - Dr. Glenn Butner

11am - Is God Made Up of Parts?: Simplicity and the Unity of the Triune God - Dr. Caleb Lenard

---Break for Lunch in Wamego, Vendors

2pm - The Divine Mission - Theology of Missions in Missiology - Dr. Glenn Butner

3pm - What Do God's Attributes Mean for Me?: Classical Theism for the Church - Josh Sommer

4pm - PANEL - Speakers Q&A

Interested in joining us? There is no cost to attend the conference, and you'll find a sweet time of learning and fellowship, along with several great vendors who will be listed on this page as they confirm. We would love to have you with us.


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